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Blood & Thunder - de Charlie Cochet (Author)
Details Blood & Thunder
Les données suivantes répertorie des données importantes relatives aux Blood & Thunder
Le Titre Du Livre | Blood & Thunder |
Publié Le | 2019-05-21 |
Traducteur | Zaeemah Shazma |
Quantité de Pages | 974 Pages |
Taille du fichier | 79.29 MB |
Langage | Français et Anglais |
Éditeur | Richards Press |
ISBN-10 | 5368417757-VAY |
Format de E-Book | PDF AMZ ePub HWP SDW |
Auteur | Charlie Cochet |
EAN | 714-5230046634-MMC |
Nom de Fichier | Blood-&-Thunder.pdf |
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Thunder and Blood by Stacey Voss is a novel with fascinating threedimensional characters the purest evil containing remnants of good and the good constantly fighting against modernday and mysterious failings The story builds up to an exciting and satisfying conclusion and the promise of more coming soon in Thunder and Ice is just icing on the cake
The first time I walked into your classroom you were all blood and thunder Als ich in deinem Kurs war warst du unerbittlich There was blood and fire and and something awful was moving in the middle of it